Grant is located near Bremerton, Washington, USA and his latest boat is named "Dragon" which is berth on Puget Sound.
Dragon 41 ft staysail schooner and has a full batten gaff main "batwing". The foresail and jib will be a wishbone rig.
It's of Grant's own design and it took him over six years (about 7500 hours) to build.
Dragon was first launched in August 2016. She is of plywood epoxy construction. This is his second leeboarder that he has built.
The leeboards on Dragon are a little different than many others as that they are hollow and buoyant.
A pully arrangement raises the board easily and another sinks it which gives him good control over the board position.
Above is Grant's first leeboarder that he designed and built in the 90's. It is a 28' gaff sloop.